Hello everybody. This is the official thread for the community event "Sponsor Card Contest". We will give away one sponsor card for free!
What are sponsor cards?
Sponsor cards are cards that were partly financed by a family member, a friend or an early supporters of GoL. For the partial financing of the artwork, the sponsor was able to contribute to the creation of the character in various forms. Think up a character and comment it in this thread. You have the best chances if you deal extensively with the lore and accordingly invent a coherent and interesting character. I will give you a brief guide on what a post should look like and what it should include: Race: If Nordur and the character should look like you - YES/NO Perhaps genera: Name (follow the naming guidelines of the different races): Appearance: Clothing/Armor/Gear/Weapons: Characteristic: Story background: Scene / Environment (i.g. Baso Jungle): Of course, you are welcome to add reference pictures. (Pinterest, sketches, etc.)
In the end, Alex and I will decide which character we like best. We will take everything that fits into the lore and then pass the order on to one of our artist, who then brings the character to life.
I would recommend to watch the video:
The event starts today and ends June 27th.
We are looking forward to your ideas.

Hi everyone!
If you haven't seen it yet, we already started with some of your cards.
So for all of you who are interested in the current sketches and the upcoming progress just take a look in the respective race threads here in the Tavern.
Two of the winners are Tagari characters. So far Cynthia has released a sketch for one of them. Go check it out and let us know what you think!
If you don't want to miss any releases of the characters or updates, i recommend to follow the thread or post.
Best regards,
Hello everyone, we are finally announcing who won the contest. Before that, we would like to thank all participants once again. It made us extremely happy and proud to see how you appreciate the world around GoL and had fun delving into it!!
Basically, it was thought that you would think up characters, present ideas and maybe even consider background stories about the characters. Based on this, we wanted to decide what we like best and which character we actually "bring to life".
But some of your ideas / presentations blew our minds so that we have decided to implement several characters. For us as developers and creators of the world it would simply not make sense not to implement great, unique, well-considered and lovingly created characters.
The characters of the winners are in no way inferior to the characters we created. All characters who also meet our own requirements when creating new characters deserve their place in the world. Perhaps there will be small adjustments to the content here and there, but in principle we can, want and will gratefully implement your ideas.
But we will also be happy to use one or the other ideas of the character that we did not choose as winners. Thanks again for participating, it was a lot of fun reading your stories and seeing how you share our passion for GoL.
The winners are:
Amadeus Pristauz
Kirill Vasilev
We didn't expect to implement multiple characters, so we ask for some patience when implementing. We will commission one by one over the coming months and then proudly present the results to you. The order of course also depends on our artists, who are not currently involved in GoL, and it may therefore take some time before they are ready.
Nico & Alex,
Thank you all for your participation. So many great stories... It will be a very difficult decision. The winner will be announced in the upcoming week. Have a nice day!
Thanks for this oppurtunity. I tried to write the character around the lore as much as i could. Hope you enjoy. Also sorry if some things sounds badly worded. English is not my first language. (I also went free with the first name, since I was unable to find naming rules for first names of Krogar)
Race: Naphas / Krogar
Name: Sherdet Drarnor / Jazua / Sherrtas (and others. Explanation for different surenames in the story)
Appearance: A green Krogar, with a yellow belly, also yellow, almost golden eyes and a quite small and slender build for a Krogar. Compared to others of his race he is rather small and usually wears human clothes and carries several mechanical tools with him.
Characteristics: Intelligent, experienced, well-spoken, usually quite peaceful, prefers to be just be called by his first name and will constantly change his surename when he talks to different people.
Weapons: His natural weapons or a toolbox-like-hammer from his tools if need be
Scene: Sherdet standing within other people on a market or on a port.
Possible quotes:
„Ah my friend, is that really necessary? Can't we continue talking? I'm good at talking.“ (before a fight) „Can't we just be nice to each other? You know, for a change?“ „Sorry I have to finish this calculation first. Then I can take care of your problem.“ „Being loyal is a great thing to be. Being blindly obedient is not.“ „Be proud of what you did, what you are. Not where you are born. A lot of people have the achievement to be born, you know?“ „I have made the experience, that war is a discussion while arguments are absent. In the end, everyone loses.“
„Sherdet is his name.“ „Sherdet and?“
„I am not sure. He said Drarnor. But I overheard him talking to a merchant and calling himself Sherdet Sherrtas.“ „Sherrtas? Hmm … that would be quite old. He doesn't look that old though.“ „As I said.“
The two Jazi, standing close to the market of Crogall looked over to the small Krogar that was just talking to another merchant, having a big backpack on his shoulders and not looking anything like the Krogar they were used to see. There was no armor, no visible weapons. A Krogar, just so happening passing by and maybe only 50 or 60 cycles of age, was almost one head larger than this Sherdet. This man had come over to them to buy some of their wares they had brought from Jambazo and his strange look had caught their eye. Since then they had seen them walking through the market seemingly clueless, stopping here and there, buying this and that. „His clothes remind me of one of the Nordurs.“, one of them said, referring to his trousers. „Me too.“
A lot of Naphas shoot a curious look towards the Krogar naming himself Sherdet, whenever he reaches one of the cities. He travels the big cities, sometimes by foot, sometimes with a ship, usually accompanied by an ever changing group of other merchants or travelers, who happened to meet him. Everyone he has met described him as friendly and helpful and usually trying to fit into a group, helping and supporting others. He is rarely seen alone for a long time, seemingly searching the security of the group, probably, despite his natural abilites as Krogar, for protection. Though also many people he met describe him as a liar, may they be Naphas, whose cities he frequently visits, Nordurs, where he travels to the ports, or even Tagari, whose borderlands he visits sometimes as well. It is hard to get the truth out of him. Sherdet seems to have keen knowledge of mechanics, mathematics, tactics and even astronomy. Also he seemes to dislike the very idea of war in general, often describing the atrocities that happen in great detail and with utmost disgust as arguments against it. But as soon as the topic turns to his person, his history, he avoids talking about it. He lies about his age, his heritage, his origin, where he gained this knowledge or what made him so peaceful, opposite to the quite proud warrior culture of the Krogars. And if it cannot be helped to talk about it, he tries to be as vague as possible. He tries to avoid fights, but if forced, he usually fights tactically and with great caution. With him he always has several apparatus he uses for his favorite downtime, cartography. Especially when he can travel by a ship, he draws extensive maps of certain areas, islands, coastline or even the route of the ship, usually accompanied with notes about landmarks, currents or cities. Sometimes he ends up selling the captain the map he had drawn on that very journey. In the end, there is only one thing most of his travel companions can really say about him. Sherdet must have done something very bad in his past, or something had happened to him, that made him afraid of his own story. But despite never telling anything personal about him, cares about the lives of those around him. He tries to help where he can, obviously trying his best to make some temporary friends, for as long as the journey goes, until they their ways separate eventually.
Wow! this character looks so cool! I specially love the small lore you came up for his many colored tail. very interesting :) He looks like such a lovable noble character.
The art is just amazing! We get to meet him, so cool!
Thank you!!
Authors Comment: We tried to implement as much of the existing lore as possible and build our character around it, we hope you enjoy.
Race: Tagari Genera: Haloke Name: Maun‘gatua Novani Chas’oke Name Translated: The Sanguine Mountain, Novice, Son of the Haloke Nickname: Maun Location: Kimala (Forest / See picture below) Weapons: Fists, Club
· Loves children and animals
· Is alot bigger than other Tagari
· Very loyal, especially to the Baska guild
· Likes to keep to himself
· Very gentle, unless provoked
Quotes: „If you break a pure heart, i will break you.“ „I am not fat! Im fluffy.“ „Hide behind me, little chapa.“ „Follow the rules or follow me to the judge.“ „Stop right there, poaching scum! Follow me to the Khan or face the consequences!“
There was a drizzling rain in the dark outside and they said their goodbyes, like they did every evening. They were part of the Baska Guild, their task was to search the forest for poachers every night and either send them away with a warning or bring them to the guild, so they could receive their punishment. The Poachers mainly hunted Chapas in the forest near Kimala, wich is regulated by the order of the Khan and only allowed during summer. Protecting the forest from poachers was dangerous work, but it needed to be done, not only for their tribe but also to raise their most precious and provide him a good life. Like many times before the two rangers went out to patrol the forest near Kimala, ceaselessly hunting the poachers, but this time would be their last. They were quite good at their work… too good and so they became a big thorn in the eye of the poachers. Not wanting to be caught again, facing the danger of severe punishment, a few of them decided to band together, to set a trap. Like the scum they were, they lured them in and attacked all at once, not giving the two rangers an opening to think or take a breath. Although they didn’t go down without a fight, even taking a few of them down with them, the two rangers were helpless against their numbers, like two lions fighting a thousand mice. Their last thought was with their most precious and with their last breath they ushered his name one last time. My name is Maun‘gatua and I was their most precious, their only. Because of reasons only Tagarus may know, I am my parents only child. My tail has many colours, each representing one of the siblings I didn’t have. Young ones always look at it with a gleam of wonder in their eyes. When one of them has the courage to ask me about my tail, I tell him that I colour it with plants and leaves I find when I’m patrolling in the forests near the city.
It’s a shame that I look so frightening to most of the children, I love to tell them stories about my adventures in the deepest parts of the woods. Those of the children that do know me have lost their fear of me and like to challenge each other to try and ambush me when I seem to be off guard. Of course, I let them catch me sometimes. Should I try to surprise them as well sometime? Well I guess it isn’t easy for me to hide myself and surprise someone… It’s because my tail isn’t the only unusual thing about me. Among my people, I am considered a giant, most beds being too small to accommodate me. I don’t know why I’m so much bigger than the rest of my people. Maybe it’s because I was always very well fed as a child, maybe it’s because I was the only child that had to be fed or maybe it’s just because I was taught by the Baska Guild from a very early age. Personally, I’d like to think that this strength was a gift from Tagarus, to help me on my path to protect those who can’t protect themselves, to help me keep order in our society and to help me punish those that don’t follow the rules.
After the death of my parents at the hands of the poachers, the Baska guild took me in and trained me to take my parents place. Being a guardian of our people and keeper of justice, I became more than they would have ever dreamed of. The Baska guild trained me in many things so I could care for myself, without needing to depend on others, most notably martial arts. This made me a proficient fist fighter, which is my main way of fighting, because I don’t use my weapon against normal opponents. Due to my size and strength advantage my usual method of fighting isn’t very subtle… it’s just brute force to be honest. Because of that, my primary weapon of choice is a big club made of White Oak wood, crafted by the White Oak Pack north of Kimala and its reinforced with spikes made of a Blue Gold alloy, which I took from various Nordur who thought they could stir up trouble in Kimala and get away with it. Because of the Blue Gold reinforcement my club is very heavy and other than me, no one is strong enough to wield it effectively, if they even manage to lift it that is. This isn’t always very practical… let’s just say it wouldn’t be the first time a few floor boards broke because I didn’t put it down very gently, or I accidentally fell a tree when I’m fighting in the forest, may the birds forgive me for destroying their homes. I only visit the guild or the city if I am called for or if I have fugitives to bring before the Tribunal or in some cases the Khan. Although I mostly keep to myself the Baska guild is like my family and I feel like I can never repay the debt I owe them.
Made by LB and KS
Refrence Picture with Maun and his cute Chapa friends by Angy, thank you so much it turned out great!
Race: Naphas
Genera: Drakir
Name: Blancara (The White)
Appearance: She has white scales, only at her belly and the underside of her wings she has some very light blue scales. Her eyes are of the same light blue. For a Drakir she is rather small.
Clothing/Armor/Gear/Weapons: Her breath of ice is her biggest weapon and of course her claws and teeth. Otherwise she has some silver bracelets and other pieces of armour around her body, who are like her rather small and delicate. They consist of swirls and a few blue gems, she got the armour from her siblings, so she is protected from attacks.
Characteristic: She is a rather peaceful Drakir but when attacked she will fight back. Blancara loves her freedom and her siblings, but most of all she likes to fly through her new icy home. She doesn’t like warmth or fire, she prefers the colder climate of the north.
Story background: Blancara was always special, she hatched at the Drakir Peak as fifth of her siblings, a very special occasion for the Drakir, as only very few times all five eggs hatch a healthy offspring. But Blancara also looked very special, with her snow-white scales, she looked nothing like her siblings, who all had some shade of red scales. But that was not the only odd thing about her, her brothers and her sister soon started to cough out some small clouds of smokes, her oldest brother even started breathing little flames shortly after he hatched. But Blancara didn’t, at first, she just waited and didn’t think about it, but soon she started worrying. As her siblings got older, they started to control their fiery breath, but not her, she just couldn’t find her flame. She asked her sister how she could produce flames and she told her, that she just did. There was some place inside her, which was always hot and burning and she just breathed that heat out. Blancara couldn’t find any heat inside her, there was only could. The only she could do better, than any other Drakir, was flying. Her smaller build allowed her to be faster, make smaller turns and even do drops and loops the other Drakir were to big and heavy for.
Blancaras siblings all grew up big and strong, like a Drakir should, but she also couldn’t do that. She stayed very small, at least for her kind. Soon the Naphas started talking, rumours spread about a Drakir who was smaller than every other and who couldn’t breath fire. Her siblings tried protecting her, they always told everyone she was as much a fighter as every other Drakir, but she knew it was a lie. Nobody who saw her would consider her a fighter, some even started saying she should never have hatched from that fifth egg, that she was no true Drakir. Blancara hated it, she hated that her siblings lied for her, she hated that people talked about her and she hated her homeland Sizahlas. She realized, that she never felt at home there. So, she made a decision and one night she just flew away and didn’t stop, not even when she past the borders of Sizahlas.
Blancara just flew, always northwards, where it was cold, like inside of her. After days of flying without a destination, she finally stopped near the Igmu Glacier. Around her was only snow and ice and finally for the very first time in her live, she felt at home. She found a little icy cave where she laid down and just starred at the beautiful snow around her. Falling asleep she thought about her siblings and hoped they would understand. Woken by a loud roar, she ran out of her cave and found herself surrounded by three Usmogs. She had never seen these giants and they attacked her. She fought with her claws and fangs but couldn’t use fire, with hurt wings she wasn’t even able to fly away. Desperate she reached inside herself and searched one last timer for her fire, but there was only cold. In her despair she hold on to that cold and somehow she managed to get it out of her body. And suddenly she breathed not fire, but ice, pure, cold ice, which encased the three Usmogs around her.
Blancara finally found her breath and she stayed in her cave, where she felt much more at home than in Sizahlas. The Usmogs were covered in ice and stayed like that even when the sun shown directly on them, they never started to melt. Even when lit by fire, the ice would not turn to water. The Tagari in this region sometimes found frozen monsters, which didn’t seem to melt. Some even claimed to have seen a white Drakir, but nobody believed them. So Blancara stayed undisturbed in her cave and was finally happy. But she swore herself an oath, should there ever be a time of great need, a time where the Naphas and the Drakir needed help and warriors, she would come back. She would show them all her breath of ice and would show them, that she was a real Drakir.
Scene/Environment: Igmu glacier, just outside her cave, surrounded by the Usmogs.
I know my artwork is not as professionell as the ones your normally have, but i tried my best and wanted to do something cool, which fit my story. So here you have an artwork to Blancara and her story.
Thank you very much. Should I say I pinned the 9 dogmas next to my desk or is it a bit too much ? 😅 I really enjoyed digging in the universe anyway. It's so fresh. I really hope it will prosper, cause it deserves it.
Here we go ; my English can be perfected, so sorry for the mistakes. Hope you enjoy.
Race : Tagari / Haloke
Name : Meenomi Lumin Nat’oke
Appearance : Tall, strong but not blocky, something of a coyote look, light-brown fur, deep eyes, wears a greatcoat with a hood, a bag and a shepherd’s crook
Environment suggested : Fallow Plains, meadow with sheep, well, nat’arus.
A simple, honest life, that was Meenomi’s only ambition. Through the unconscious experience of her previous lives, she somehow knew that excitement, adventure and needless agitation weren’t worth the bother, and she tried to live accordingly.
She chose to be a shepherd, an occupation which promised both solitude and vigilance, two prerequisites for meditation and enlightenment. Along the years, her itinerary became rather fixed : she mostly roams along the Vakra river with her herd of nat’arus.
A few years ago, she could still be seen sometimes in Nocona, trading herself some wool and milk and bartering for the few supplies she needs. More and more often though, she leaves that to trusted friends or the new Fallow Plains cooperative that is slowly gathering momentum among the local farmers and shepherds, and which, by trusting it, Meenomi unvoluntarily promotes.
But for two or three things, it would have been a blessed existence. However, as one of the few Lumins in the area, east of the Fallow Plains near the Sizahlas frontier, Meenomi is widely respected and her counsel highly sought after. Though a part of her considers this attention an awful botheration, a Lumin just can’t turn her back on her people.
As one virtue won’t travel alone, it happens that Meenomi is also quite proficient with the black staff of her trade, and with which she cracked a few feral beasts’ skulls to protect her herd. A talent which unfortunately attracts another kind of attention.
For, in a way or another, Meenomi developed a reputation of sorts among the Naphas that come and go through the Vakra Outpost. Every now and then, she can be seen discussing the universe with a passing Nish or Shelx scholar… or beating senseless a young and foolish Krogar that came looking for a challenge.
Well, there are still many lonely days, and time to reflect. And that’s one principle in life that you can’t have it all, can you ?
Race:Nordur, Yes
Perhaps genera:
Name Cyril Svetovalec II
Appearance:A thin and skinny 16-year-old boy with pale skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes that inspire hope and dispel fear for all who look at them.
Clothing:He doesn't wear it, his naked body is hidden under a robe.
Armor:Wears a robe sewn by him from the skin, according to rumors, of the legendary elgur elk. Which warms it and provides high protection from Magic.
Gear:He carries a flask of drinking water and a traveler's book in which recipes are written and maps are drawn as well as a runic alphabet written by him by hand.
Weapons:Carries a magic staff impregnated with "Light" and made from a branch of a magic tree, as well as a rune dagger for writing.
Characteristic:The expert in" Light " illuminates the darkness and scorches the danger in it. Witty and fearless. Always find a way out and treasures hidden in the darkness from human eyes. He is very vulnerable so he draws defensive runes around himself while he recites powerful prayers for illumination or attack.
Story background:Born in the city of Stormpit. My parents lived on the street and died of the cold. So he was left alone to survive and raise his younger brother. When he was 14, his younger brother got lost in the dark and disappeared without a trace. He blamed himself for a long time that day and decided to return it at any cost. For 2 years, He persistently studied the magic of "Light" along with prayers and Runo-writing. Many adventurers and travelers constantly praised him and recommended him to everyone, saying that he had more than once saved them and brought them out of the darkness. He often goes Hiking and does not lose hope of finding his younger brother before the "new era" comes and darkness shrouds the land of Lifarslenda.
This is the legend of the boy who "wanders in the dark" and his story is just beginning.......
Environment:Dark forest.
Scene:How I light up the dark.
Photo: https://sun9-8.userapi.com/Et4fSPnsPEgFubs_klB4vzrsLRXDdxEwX7x8DQ/WHti9_B-1Sg.jpg
(I apologize in advance for my poor knowledge of English)
Race: Nordur
Name: Munin „Erland“ Windlif
“Livarsland is the home of my ancestors, the Realm of the Tagari is the home of my friends, Sizahlas is my teacher’s homeland and Lyboria…is my home.”
“A young man with an unusually vast knowledge of Lyboria for his age. He has grown up outside of Livarsland, among the Tagari and was taught by a Naphas. Some have rightful doubts about his loyalty but his alliance to the Nordur is guaranteed, because he doesn’t believe that he would be able to survive anywhere else.”
Appearance: Munin is rather thin and about 1,70 cm. His skin is tanned due to the long time he spent living in hot climates and his originally hazel-brown hair is sun-bleached at the tips. It is cut rather short except for a few small braids. His eyes are also a bright hazel brown.
Clothing/Armor/Gear/Weapons: Munin is used to wear light clothing, but ever since he has come to Livarsland, he had to wear thicker fur clothing as he is barely used to cold. Because he is not particularly strong, he forsakes all armour to keep his mobility. His main weapon is a longbow, but he also has some knives on him if he were to slip in close combat. He also carries a bag with medicine and bandages, together with maps of the area he is currently in.
Characteristic: Munins primary ability is his almost perfect memory. He never forgets anything and combined with his history of travelling a great portion of Lyboria and hearing a lot of different rumours, he is able to assist others with his knowledge, both in direct combat, as well as outside of it. This helps increase both the potency of ally effects as well as reduce the impact of some enemy effects.
Although he is a decent fighter, Munin is not particularly confrontational and will try to convince whoever is in charge to jump at any chance of diplomacy. Together with him not having grown up in Livarsland, the Nordur often mistrust him and think he might betray them, especially when it comes to the Tagari.
However, he is quite aware that during these times, his best chance to stop total escalation is with the Nordur as the other races mistrust him for just being a human.
Munin speaks primarily the language of the Nordur and the Tagari as far as humanly possible and also knows a lot about Naphas but doesn’t use it in negotiations as he tends to mistune words, which could have some disastrous consequences in diplomacy.
Munins greatest dream is to explore all of Lyboria and even see what is beyond.
He is quite open and quickly finds new friends, a habit he has from travelling his whole live.
Sharing his knowledge is just as much a habit of him as listening to others wisdom.
He has a secret bag with trinkets from his friends, human and non-humans.
Story background: Already long before Munin was born, his mother’s family, the Windlifs, were quite well-known for their restless nature. They were never able to stay in one place for long and were always excited to discover new ones.
When Silja Windlif finally came of age, it wasn’t a week till she started travelling with the merchants. She was followed by Gylve Mimirdren, who was infatuated with Silja and despite being a hermeticism apprentice and quite down to earth, he disappeared just as fast as she did.
From their home in Coldguard they quickly travelled towards the Realm of the Tagari where they spent about half a cycle trading goods across the border. During that time Silja also developed feelings for Gylve and his infatuation turned into something deeper. They became friends and later lovers.
But Siljas hunger for new stories and places was still too great and they went to travel deeper into the Realm. They first travelled northwards on the western side of the ice mountains and once they were north of Akah, they continued exploring the Ice Coast. Once they reached Aponivi, they had their first major argument. Gylve wanted to return to Livarsland so they could settle down and have a family. But that’s not what Silja wanted.
They separated, and while Gylve returned to Livarsland, Silja continued to travel southwards, through the Land of the Red Pillars and Wokasa. There she spent a few weeks to gather enough money to buy resources for more travelling and continued along the Rokur river. While on her journey, Silja noticed that she had gotten pregnant. But because she didn’t know how to deal with it, she just kept going.
Once she reached the border of the Realm, she caught of Luna. She was still a few day travels away from reaching the border of the chasm that surrounded the landmark that everyone at least heard about. She rested a day and thought what she would have to do to reach Luna. With the great chasm, the wide water and the suffocating altitude, it was sheerly impossible for any creature of Lyboria to reach the top.
“All the more reason to try”, Silja thought to herself. She would find a way to overcome these obstacles. She didn’t know by which means, but she knew she couldn’t do it alone. So, she turned back to travel into the Realm. Silja talked with anyone who could have knowledge about things that could help her but without ever telling anyone about her plan. In the end, Munin was born in the wetlands of the Mazan river, in the Fallow Plains.
He was named Munin to remember Silja of her plan. Silja had grown close friends with a Tagari pack that travelled in trade through the entire realm. This way, Munin got to know a great portion of the Realm throughout his early childhood cycles. He grew up among the Tagari and only realised later that he wasn’t like them.
Around his 10th cycle Silja became frustrated with her efforts to concoct a plan to reach Luna and decided to travel to Sizahlas, in hope that the Naphas could offer knowledge to help her. The separation from the pack was quite hard for Munin and they travelled with them till they were at the border.
From what Silja had heard, she thought she would have her best chances in Aazrin but that Shavgrad with its more anarchic structure might be a better place to start with. They never got that far, as they were attacked by a squad of young Krogar warriors who probably thought of them as intruders. Luckily Silja and Munin were saved by a Nish who sent the Krogar away.
The Nish brought them to her home at the eastern edge of the lake that also surrounded Luna, at the border between the Realm and Sizahlas. The old Nish introduced herself as Zelish’Eph and described herself as “An old snake with too much time on her hands”. Zelish wanted to know what Nordur had lost in Sizahlas and while Silja first refused to tell her, the Nish told them that she only saved them out of curiosity and wouldn’t mind handing them over to the Krogar if Silja wouldn’t satisfy it.
Silja then reluctantly told Zelish about her dream to reach Luna at which the old witch laughed. When she asked Silja if she had any plan, the Nordur explained to the Naphas everything she had learned so far. As Silja explained, the Nish seemed to think that there seems to be more to this woman that just wishful thinking.
At the end Zelish said that a human will never be able to gather information in Sizahlas. “But I can invite people who might be able to help. Blacksmiths of the Shelx, Acrobats of the Jazi or Hermeticists of the Nish, I can call them.” “But how?”, Silja asked skeptically. The old Naphas just smiled at her.
From this moment Silja and Munin lived at Zelishs place. While Silja talked with the numerous guests that came to assist her in her mission for Luna, Munin helped Zelish in her house. At that Zelish noticed Munins impeccable memory. She asked if he already knew that not everyone has a perfect memory. Munin has noticed that but his mother didn’t think it was a too impressive ability. Zelish thought otherwise as she started to feed him with knowledge.
First, she let him memorise every piece of scripture she possessed, then she continued to teach him everything she herself knew. She told Silja to talk with the guests while Munin was present so he could memorise everything they told her. She did everything to foster Munins knowledge, but neither Munin nor Silja understood why.
And even though Munins knowledge was growing at an incredible rate, he couldn’t apply it. He didn’t have talent for hermeticism, and he hadn’t the dexterity for craftsmanship. Even if he could combine his knowledge to form new theories, he wasn’t able to test them on his own. His only talent was archery, but he already had learned that through his time with the Tagari.
After a few cycles Silja had her first test journey with the equipment and spells she thought would be needed to reach Luna. After that she would often be gone for months to reach new heights in the mountains south of Luna. In the meantime, Zelish used her connections to gather even more learning material and teachers for Munin, but he would always read it faster than she could gather it. So, in the time in between Munin took care of Zelish and picked up medicine and cooking from her. Even though he is still far from remarkable in the latter one.
This went on till around Munins 17th cycle, when Silja had returned from her last test expedition. The amount of time she stayed at Zelish’s home was longer than usual and Munin noticed she was a lot more nervous than usual. When she finally left for next test expedition, it felt different. But Munin wasn’t able to tell why.
About half a cycle passed when someone came to Zelish’s home. It was a Krogar warrior that attacked Munin as soon as he saw him. Munin was able to evade the attacks of the Krogar till Zelish incapacitated him with her hermeticism. When Munin asked what was going on, the Nish told him about the war that was about to start and that he had to flee to Livarsland if he wanted to survive.
When he screamed that he had to wait for Silja, Zelish explained to him that Silja actually went to climb Luna as she knew there would be no more chance for test runs despite how low the odds were with her current equipment. “She will either die on her way there or reach Luna and even then, there is no guarantee she will come back. If the moon goddess wants it, she will return but not before she has paid her highness her personal respects.”
Zelish had already prepared travel equipment for Munin and sent him off and waited till the Krogar wouldn’t be able to catch up to him on his own when she released the messenger.
“You just committed treason on Sizahlas!”
“To which’s party advantage? This child has no homeland. Only a land that promises a fickle safety and only when he reaches it. How likely is that?”
“Too likely, considering who you have invited here the last few years.”
“There are so many dangerous people already in Livarsland, one more who can’t even use his own knowledge properly won’t be a lot.”
“I will still fight for my homeland, I will lend my wisdom in the military hospitals, where I don’t have to know that one of the warriors I treat could possibly go to the same fight as my student. If he even joins the battle.”
When it was evening, Munin finally stopped and got to rest. When he searched for food in his backpack, he noticed two letters. One from his mother and one from Zelish’Eph. He opened the Nish’s letter and all it said was: “Air doesn’t burn by itself, but nothing burns without air. Your mind is a storm.” He refused to open his mother’s letter as he wished to see her again. “Tell me what you want to say yourself.”
On his way through the Realm he also had to struggle against the Tagari’s forces and once even got severely wounded once. Luckily for him, the pack he and his mother once travelled with for cycles found him. They hid him in their caravan and brought him as close to the border of Livarsland as possible before sending him off on his own.
On his 18th cycle he saw his parent’s homeland for the first time. It didn’t feel like this was more a home to him than any other place though. He soon got to sign up with local authorities in Firnend who at first didn’t believe him. They called upon Gylve Mimirdren who luckily confirmed the story Silja and him travelling together, even though it put strain on the relationship with his wife and children.
Munin thought his best chance at guiding the tides of war into a more peaceful direction might be in the military, so he joined them. Even though most people mistrust him, no one could deny that his immense knowledge wasn’t useful in combat. Still, they started calling him “Erland”, the Outlander and always avoid him when he wasn’t useful to them.
Currently Munin has an advisory position in the military, which he uses to lead combats to low casualties and to engage in diplomacy. However, he won’t abuse his power to intentionally cause losses for the Nordur, even if it would reduce the number of casualties on both sides.
Scene / Environment: Munin stands above a tactical map, his bow leaning in reach.
Perhaps genera: Male
Name Leif Tryggvason
Appearance: red-haired, around 172 cm tall (5.6 ft), prominent jaw and brow ridges, hairstyle is a reverse mullet. A reverse mullet is when you have long hair in the front and short hair in the back of the head somewhat like Bjorn from the series Vikings had
Clothing/Armor/Gear/Weapons:helmet, metal armor made of chainmail, and a type of armor called lamellar, which consisted of iron plates sewn together
Characteristic: He was expelled by his father for being the youngest of his sons, but took a great fleet of warriors with him and raided every place he found.
When he returned, he divided his father’s kingdom with his brother and became king
Scene / Environment : Snow montains
Race: naphas:shelx.
Name: Susox eph.
Appearance: A tall shelx, with grey skin and amber eyes.
Gear: He wears grey robes, and carries a large staff.
Characteristic: calm, helpful
Backstory: born during the rule of ephex, he learned the basics of magic from his father. As he grew his powers becam stronger, and he became a student of the magicians employed by ephex. He then served as a magician under juzo. When juzo died he dedicated himself to the study of magic and to help people, he moved to a small village to teach magic. He never married or had children, and has lived his life as a hermit since the death of juzo.
Enviorment: fallow plains