I noticed that newer players with a playerbase this small fastly play against players with much more experience and because of that they struggle to win any games in the beginning, but still fight hard battles. This results in a very low winrate for them and i think there is a little problem in the economy system with it. The winner of a match gets 2 gold and according to the length of the game between 20-30 xp. The loser gets 1 gold and 10xp no matter how long the game went. I think that is a problem, because the game rewards the time of the winner much more than the time of the loser of a match.
My suggestion for a change would be to give the winner AND loser 2 gold, if the game is longer than 10 minutes. This would still avoid wintrading and a player that fought hard and didn't get there in the end still gets a little better reward for his effort. I don't know if that would create problems in the game economy by giving out too much gold to players and than the game not creating enough money, just because i don't know the math behind it. But i know that it would feel better to get one step closer to the next card i wanted to craft after a hard fought battle.
My 2 cents, let me know what you think.
Solution could be, till first 100 gold, new players would get double gold for a match to catch faster with creation proper deck and then its up to them...
Puzzles giving gold when solved is a common feature in card games. It also help newcomers to grab the basics of damages/positioning and abilities
In my opinion some kind of secondary gold gain could be implemented. Maybe quests or tasks?
It feels too slow at 1 gold per loss and 6 for first day win its kind of take forever just to get guardian or heroes
Helping new players to get more cards is a good thing but devs will make money only if you don t get cards too fast. 2 gold for every game is perhaps a bit too much and also as XP is worth nothing it don t reward people for winning. I think a solution should be to have 2x normal gain of gold for the first 10 (random numer) games so new players can get some cards quicker