1. Look for the Usmog’s who are living in the north. Note down the first letter of the 6th word.
2. Find Frallga “The Seawoman”. Your next hint is the 2nd letter of the 2nd word.
3. Search for a Chapa, who’s home is in “The Realm Of The Tagari”.
Note down the 4th letter of the 30th word.
4. After visiting a Chapa move to the west to find the legendary “Bloodstones”.
The next hint is hidden in the last sentence. Take the 1st letter of the 11th word.
5. In Sizahlas you have to find a Luukus. Your next hint is the 6th letter of the 3rd word.
6. Now you have to search “The desert City”.
In this description take a look at the last letter of the 4th word of the last sentence.
7. Find a Naz in the “Myrwal Bay”. The last hint can be found in the word after “electric”.
You have to take the 1st letter.
Now you know where to find the easter egg.
Read the following sentences and find the places on the map.
Open the descriptions and note the wanted single letters.
All letters will reveal where you can find the code-word.
Comment with the right code-word to win the price.
Good Luck