Time is a huge factor in GoL. We run out of it every game and it can make a pretty favorable late game into a nightmare if you're left with 1 minute every turn. It requires strategizing and saving those precious minutes for the lategame when a few extra seconds can be crucial.
How can you win a game?
It's easy: reduce the enemy moral to 0. But can there be more? As mentioned earlier time in lategame can come in handy. What if we can fudge those numbers a little bit more? Could we add an alternative win condition to a chess-like game?
The abilities that are needed for this to happen are already in the game, but they are in very few number.
Sabotage: You could cut your opponents time before the game, but they are going to be more careful so what I noticed from previous experiences that in the early few turns your opponent can quickly regain the amount lost in the first few turns.
Misinformation: This is the huge one. This ability could decide the game, cutting your opponents time budget even when it's low, and delivering a final blow to your opponent. I'm not saying that you're going to cut down the opponents time to 0 and win, but having 45 or even just 30 second for a very packed turn is equal to a death sentence.
Maybe you could even make the counterpart ability to Battle Experience that reduces time gained every turn by 5 seconds.
The problem is only a few cards hold these abilites currently, so it's not a living archetype. More like the devs are teasing me that this could be something, but not giving us the full thing.
I'm looking forward to see what is the future of these mechanics because now as I see most of these cards are pretty underwhelming.
I don't feel like this should be an actual mechanic, as you would punish the enemy for motoric incapability. So a player wo just need more time to move cards around would suffer much more from such cards.