When I started out in A Glimpse of Luna, I had difficulties learning about all the cards, their stats and abilities. That is why I decided to create a document and write down all information to help me learn. I will share the document with you, the reader. A Glimpse of Luna Card Overview. You can view the document or make a copy of it that you can edit.
The document contains abbreviations in order to save space: Level is card level, MP is morale point, class is battle class, ATK is attack, DEF is defense, M is movement, R is range, TS is troop strength. I also shortened the description of a unit's ability. The document also contains the cards you get when you buy the starter decks in the shop (starter) and what I consider to be the best first decks you can build with said starter decks (1. deck). The first deck of the Arachnids race is courtesy of PreLan. An overview of the first decks can also be found in this post. The Nordur deck is from my first Nordur Guide. Next to the base stats you see changed stats in brackets "( )"; they are changed either through fellowships or through a guardian's ability.
DECKLIST: Alnarasz Eph - Arsok Eph - Blancara Eph, Brix Dra, June Dra - Carnok Dra, Draska Dra, Isaresh Juz, Kishk Dra, Sherdet Dra, Soratros Juz, Valash Dra - Crekso Dra, Crekso Dra, Druskur Dra, Druskur Dra, Druskur Dra, Druskur Dra, Fin The Wayfarer, Krehash Dra, Natrash Dra, Natrash Dra, Natrash Dra, Sipash Dra, Sipash Dra, Sisash Dra, Sisash Dra - Drophir Poison, Rothadyns Tooth, Venoz Poison
DECKLIST: Erik Ironstrong - Helga Jargald - Night Prince, Rudolf Berlof, Volgar The Seer - Ador Icestar, Bjrn The Pathfinder, Cyrill Whitehorn, Janis Seiberg, Jesper Jorgath, Knut Knartau, Konrad Dorning - Elmar Wolkrenn, Elmar Wolkrenn, Frallga The Sea Woman, Gantur Laubrock, Gantur Laubrock, Harivald Bonnesheim, Henk Ekkelstone, Henk Ekkelstone, Henk Ekkelstone, Henk Ekkelstone, Paul Knopfer, Runa The Seeker, Runa The Seeker, Runa The Seeker, Ulfrik The Fisherman - Allmanns Potion, The Grey Bear Armor, The shoes of the Shieldbrothers
DECKLIST: Tapeesa Sillas Natala - Panu Anoki Chasawi - Kaliik Sanu Chasori, Kele Sanu Natawi, Micco Anoki Chasori - Atieno Sanu Chasori, Hinto Sanu Natawi, Karuk Sanu Chasori, Maka Novani Natori, Meenomi Lumin Natoke, Mingan Anoki Chasori, Naira Sanu Natala - Eeb Anoki Chasori, Eeb Anoki Chasori, Litaha Sanu Natori, Litaha Sanu Natori, Maska Novani Chasori, Maska Novani Chasori, Maska Novani Chasori, Noya Sanu Natoke, Noya Sanu Natoke, Sapata Sanu Chasoke, Sapata Sanu Chasoke, Viho Sanu Chasala, Viho Sanu Chasala, Waban Sanu Chasawi, Waban Sanu Chasawi - Cosmic Whetstone, Dados Armor, Wuru Skull Gloves
DECKLIST: Rezu Szartuzoh - Khanta Yiallore - Kalon, Lasthella, Zivishra - Alchemia, Ciarta Yavicid, Kathara, Lithana, Metallos, Syxur, Zheka - Akas Qhillod, Akas Qhillod, Akas Qhillod, Aspos, Aspos, Chirid Rakuq, Chirid Rakuq, Chirid Rakuq, Chirid Rakuq, Diagrus, Lanchur Necorzaq, Lanchur Necorzaq, Lika Laivir, Xula, Xula - Ataxia Eggs, Chirid Chaancha, Frusos Helmet