Hi guys, I hope you are doing fine. Some of you asked me to an Arachnid Guide, which contains only cards of the Starter Deck. Thats what I did. As you will hear in the video I had two ideas and chose the one, which is more suitable for beginners. DECKLIST: Rezu Szartuzoh - Kratos - Kalon, Lasthella, Zivishra - Alchemia, Ciarta Yavicid, Kathara, Metallos, Paros, Syxur, Zheka - Aspos, Aspos, Diagrus, Lanchur Necorzaq, Lanchur Necorzaq, Lanchur Necorzaq, Lanchur Necorzaq, Lika Laivir, Rikkiviq Larnis, Rikkiviq Larnis, Szakee Ovul, Szakee Ovul, Szakee Ovul, Xula, Xula - Ataxia Eggs, Chirid Chaancha, Frusos Helmet
The strategy, the deck composition and the reason behind every single card is explained in the video below. If you like it please consider to like the video and subscribe to the channel - that will help us to reach more people. Thank you!
Starting 5 Selection: VS Nordur: Zivishra - Kalon - Metallos - Aspos - Aspos
Against the Nordur I would recommend to use Kalon instead of Lasthella. As you know Volgar is resilient against hermeticists and Kalon is a good counter to him, since he has 9 Attack and the ability "Strike and Dash". Zivishra with her ability Raider is a must for starting 5 + her defense value of 8 counters a lot of masters including Volgar and the Nordur pioneer Lorik. Same goes for a stacked Aspos troop.
VS Naphas:
Option 1:
Zivishra - Lasthella - Metallos - Aspos - Aspos
This is the first option against the Naphas. Starting the game with solid defense stats to gain control over the neutral zone.
Option 2:
Zivishra - Ciarta Yavicid - Metallos - Aspos - Aspos
This is the second option. We can use Ciarta Yavicid against a hero like Riuk or in general against high defense units of higher card levels. His ability "Grievous Wounds" will lower the defense value of the attacked unit permanently. That helps us to destroy their high defense cards like Brix, Drax, Vemaephir etc.
VS Tagari:
Option 1:
Zivishra - Lasthella - Metallos - Aspos - Aspos
Agains the Tagari this Starting 5 is very strong. The Tagaris high movement units will have a lot of problems to take control early because of our high defense stats. With Kratos as a guardian - Lasthella and Zivishra have 8 defense, and also a stacked Aspos troop has 8 defense. This means that Kele (the tagari master with 8 attack and 3 movement) will have problems to make an early engage. The only thing that might be difficult is if our opponent plays Kapu the master with the ability "Anti Marksman". In that case we need to be careful with Zivishra, because she will be useless against him.
Option 2:
Zivishra - Lasthella - Ciarta Yavicid - Aspos - Aspos
If our opponent plays Tapeesa the high defense hero we will try to pressure her with Ciarta Yavicids "Grievous Wounds" ability.
VS Arachnids:
Zivishra - Lasthella - Ciarta Yavicid - Aspos - Aspos
Against the Arachnids I would recommend the Starting 5 using Ciarta Yavicid. Most likely your opponent will play either Rezu Szartuzoh or Akurus as a hero. Both have relatively high defense stats. Why not lower it with some nice poison?
Well thats all for now. For future guides I will add some positioning strategies. Let me know if this deck worked out for you.
Have a nice day! Cheers,