Hello Guild Members, This guide aims to help out people with deck building by giving them some general tips for the cornerstones of a deck: it's Hero and Guardian. Let's get started!
Arsok gives a solid boost to your slow-moving cards, of which there are plenty for the Naphas. Pair it with your especially powerful 1 movement Pioneers then augment your deck with some fast-moving and hard-hitting cards to keep up with your opponent. Be careful not to put too many slow cards in your deck just because of this ability, 3-4 Pioners and 4-5 Warriors should be the maximum amount.
Ruutik's time reduction may seem weak or even useless at first, but I've seen even the best players in our community lose because they had to make rushed decisions. 75 seconds is a lot and paired with cards that take away even more time (Tactician and Manipulation abilities) is really powerful. Try to go on the defensive and zone out your opponent as much as you can with 3 range and 3 movement cards. By doing so you will force your opponent to think and waste time, perhaps make an attack that you can quickly counter and win the game.
Yasash is the bane of aggressive decks. Having 2 protected hexes for almost the entire game paired with a whopping 13 attack and 2 range makes this card the best for protecting your backline. I recommend including him in a deck that needs time to draw out your strongest cards and deploy them safely so you can slowly turn the tide of battle. Heroes
Alnarasz, in my opinion, is the scariest card in the game. He fits into almost any deck, but how you use him might not be so obvious. I've seen many players make the mistake of rushing in with him early in the game and taking out 2-3 cards just because they can. Yes, in rare cases this might be the winning decision, but what this card truly excels at is zoning. With a well-positioned Alnarasz, your opponent cannot clump up cards, push low defense units or create a swarm attack. This card is really hard to use effectively but can turn the match in your favor in a single turn.
Riuk is your go-to card if you plan on creating an aggressive Naphas deck. With a great 13 defense and 9 attack, he can go and take out cards then stay alive without much support. A mistake I see players make with him is doing reckless trades with their Masters thinking Riuk's ability will make it worth it. It's an awesome ability, but not worth 3 Masters.
Vralak is great in decks that prioritize getting favorable trades and then slowly pushing for victory. I recommend pairing him with high defense units to create a strong frontline. Play on your side of the arena and focus on forcing your enemy's hand so you can get a lot of value out of Intimidation without risking much.
Feel free to share any kind of advice or opinion with me!
To be continued with Nordur...