Hello Guild Members,
This guide aims to help out people with deck building by giving them some general tips for the cornerstones of a deck: it's Hero and Guardian.
Let's get started! NORDUR
Fabyor is almost the same as Arsok from the Naphas, but instead of defense he buffs attack. With this ability, he greatly enhances cards such as Knut, Lorik, or Martin. Just as with Arsok: be careful and don't put too many slow cards in your deck.
Helga buffs 7 other cards (10 with troop strength) at the Nordur's disposal. This is a great ability with no real drawbacks because those cards are already good without this enhancement. She can be included in almost any deck.
Radiana is a great card if you want to protect your backline. Sadly her ability rarely has any meaningful impact, but her fellowship with Dralnar and 2 range still make her a viable Guardian.
Dralnar is a good pick if you really want to take out your opponent's Hero, which you can pressure more and more as this ability triggers. Keep in mind that his fellowship with Radian makes him able to withstand an attack from both 3 movement Heroes in the game: Nuka and Alnarasz (although only if Alnarasz doesn't have his fellowship active). Play passively with careful zone control and have your Dralnar ready to take down "out of position" cards.
Erik is a Hero who works in almost any deck. He has a fellowship with Ygridd, granting both +1 attack, making him especially hard-hitting while also being quite tanky. Erik's ability requires good positioning and a lot of calculating. I recommend playing him with 3 movement cards that can easily follow up on him and finish off cards his AoE damages.
Otis excels in the hands of a patient player. Go for safe trades and try to build up a card difference as large as you can, so you'll have the numbers advantage for an aggressive push. Feel free to share any kind of advice or opinion with me!
To be continued with Tagari...