The age of ‘Compagnia’ followed Epignosis. It lasted seven aeons and was characterised by social development. What had formerly been social groups gave rise to meaningful societies. Those societies built their homes in their places of origin owing to the prevailing climates of each area. They were closed communities, which meant that other races were tolerated only in exceptional cases. It wasn't long before the desire for power grew and the individual races began to encounter each other as they extended their territory, thus leading to the first conflicts. There were struggles over prized land, each tribe defended its own honour, and people waged war, spurred on by their instinct to survive. While some races battled, others were merely aware of each other. Some didn't even know that the other existed. Real friendships and ties were rare in this exciting age. As Compagnia drew to a close, everyday life had begun to settle down and contact between the races began to take on an increasingly economic character. Goods were traded, and services provided. The races focused on their strengths when trading. The Naphas were famous for their non-toxic remedies, the Arachnids for the speed of their house-building, and the Tagari for their unique tracking abilities. Those new business relationships made life easier for many, leaving them better equipped to deal with their daily troubles.

The legacy of the Ash
Rupok, the fifth lord of the Naphas, had his hands full with a coup attempt of the Drakir. Several Drakir attacked the government and cities of Sizahlas, trying to take control of the land. Rupok did not go down without a fight and immediately took appropriate action. The founding of the Sky Keeper was one of them. A special unit that specializes in killing Drakir. Maladwyn, Drakir representative on the council of the First Five, fought side by side with Rupok and the Sky Keepers. Rupok died in the final battle, but was duly honored by the people for successfully preventing the coup. Maladwyn, one of the Drakir who fought against his kind, was chosen as the new lord by the council. Maladwyn became the 6thLord of the Naphas.
The meeting of the rulers
Noxash, 8th Lord of the Naphas, first met with a head of the Arachnids. It was a historic meeting between two races who were neither peaceful nor hostile. This meeting formed the basis for many other historical events that connected these two races.
The battle for dromakors
At that time here was a food shortage in the area around Shavgrad. One of the main food sources of this large region were the dromakors, that were found in the southwestern part of Sizahlas in the Great Fungal Savanna and in the desert west of it, outside of Sizahlas. However, the Naphas were not the only ones to hunt for the delicious but also urgently needed meat of the dromakor. A mere search for food suddenly gave rise to a war between two races, completely forgetting how it came about. There were several large battles in which the lords Kroshar and Zarkra left their mark. Zarkra and the leader of the feathered creatures from beyond the desert ended the war in a legendary duel right where the famous arena stands today. Both lost their lives in this fight, which resulted in peace among the races.
The reign of terror of Hrak the Tormentor

Hrak was a terrifying Krogar. At the time he was ruling, there was war with the Tagari. Countless battles were fought in which senseless slaughter was commonplace. Weak people were not tolerated, sorted out and banished from their own land. Education and libraries were no longer considered. It was even smiled at. The focus was solely on the expansion of the military and warfare. The reign of terror of Hrak the Tormentor ended with Vakron The Chainbreaker.
Stability - Choosing a Drakir
After the reign of terror by Hrak the Tormentor, Nihaphir, a Drakir, was chosen to rule. The Council of the First wanted to bring stability and safety back to Sizahlas after this terrible time. Therefore, Nihaphir was chosen, who should prevail for a long time and calm the waves again. It was a time when the structures were normalized again and the focus was on the well-being of the people. One of the most beautiful and calmest times that Sizahlas had ever seen.
The expansion of trade relations
What a time. The last part of the Compagnia was considered one of the most peaceful times in Lyboria. Important trade connections began and old differences were put aside. Four lords ruled during this time. Jano and Jiza were responsible for expanding the trade relations with the Tagari, Rinashesh (a Nish) developed the relationship with the Arachnids, and Jupaza had the most difficult task, namely to develop the relationship with the relatively unknown races. It was a time when the economy was flourishing. It was not just the Naphas economy that flourished during this period. The Tagari also expanded their trade by building a trading city.

The Vokivo Trade Route
In the middle of this era, people ventured over the ice of the great lakes for the first time. A trade route was opened across the great lakes to get from Nocona to Akah. The thickness of the ice was tested to see how much weight the caravans can be loaded with. This direct trade route is always opened during the Vokivo (winter), which is a huge relief for the people of Akah, as the goods get to them much faster.

The arrival of the prophetess Nioba
The Prophetess Nioba appeared in the 5350th cycle of the Compagnia. The prophetess Nioba, envoy of Tagarus, came to bring the 4 clans together and to make the 4 Thaas a common realm. She brought the important message of Tagarus and told about the mythology of the race. To gain the clan's trust and convince them of their common origin, she showed them the message of their god in the blazing flames of an campfire, while the stars of the cosmos shone particularly brightly in the night sky.
The construction of the trading city of Kimala
The trade city of Kimala was originally only a place of residence for the Baska guild and travelers in transit. The main hunting area of the Baska Guild is in the immediate vicinity and Kimala was always just used as a outpost and a starting place. Over time, Kimala became more popular and more guilds established their buildings there. Meanwhile, Kimala has become the trade city par excellence and belongs to the Halokee territory. Here is mainly traded and hardly resided. Of course there are also quarters for traders and travelers.
At the end of this age, the human races arrived in Lyboria, which in ushered in the III era, the Humanera "The Age of War".
What do you think about the II era of Lyboria? Which chronicle do you like the most?
Are we going to see the different and unknown races in game ?