First Patch is hitting before the weekend.
Here the changes:
End Turn Button resulting in breaking the game.
This bug occurred when players reached the bottom of their deck pile and a certain number of cards were still in their hand.
Ending Turn without finishing Dashing led to breaking games.
This bug occurred when players used the Dashing Ability and hit End Turn before ending their Dash with either an additional move or choosing the stay option. The stay option was still displayed on the card and clicking it after ending the turn led into breaking the game. Ending turn results now in canceling the dash similar to the escape function and the card will stay in place.
When both players ended up with 0 Moral simultaneously it resulted in some sort of draw.
If a player kills an enemy unit with Counter Strike and this results in both players ending up with 0 moral, the player with more time left in his budget will be declared as the winner now.
Get stuck in Starting 5 Placement when opponent did not place in time.
This bug occurred when your opponent did not place his S5 in time. The player not placing in time gets redirected to the menu correctly but the player hitting ready in time got stuck in the game. Both players get redirected to the menu now.
Get stuck in game due to the Firewall rules of a player or because one player left when a match was found.
This bug occurred when a player does not allow the game in their Firewall settings. This will be resolved with a new installer for future players. But if a game still does not start for any reason players will be redirected to the menu after 15 seconds.
Matchmaking Queue broke after attempting the queues too many times within a certain period.
This bug occurred when a player changed queues too often within a certain time frame or restarted a queue too often in a certain time frame. Players then exceeded the maximum amount of tickets and it resulted in breaking the queue for the player.
Multi attacking with fast clicking.
This bug could occur when a player clicked multiple times while attacking. Mainly because of connection issues. This has been prevented now through checks in the code and the maximum allowed latency of 150 ms.
Selecting C for Close Combat and choosing a potential field "too fast".
This bug could occur when a player right clicked one the fields to attack from just after pressing C on the enemy card. Mainly because of connection issues. This has been prevented now through checks in the code and the maximum allowed latency of 150 ms.
Fellowship Bonus of Heroes during Starting Five Selection.
During S5 Selection Heroes did not have their final stats displayed based on active fellowships. In game they were displayed correct.
In-game Card Previews did not display 20 defense correctly.
Cards or Troops with 20 defense were displayed correctly on the table but in the preview it was not displayed properly.
Equipping to 0 defense and equipping defense again in the same turn was not displayed right.
This bug occurred when a player equipped a card which ended up with 0 defense (heart beat icon) AND used another equipment to increase its defense again. It was shown correctly in the preview but on the table the card still showed 0 defense until the turn has been ended.
Equipping cards with a movement value of 3 back to 3 after reducing their movement with another equipment was not possible.
If a card with a movement value of 3 was given an equipment which decreased its movement value it was not possible to increase its movement back to 3 with an additional equipment.
Attacking and dying with a Strike and Dash card to a Counter Strike Ability resulted in breaking the game.
This bug occurred when a players' Strike and Dash card died to a Counter Strike Ability.
no changes
Timer alert when 10 seconds left during S5 Placement.
We have added the same alert to S5 Placement as the game and S5 Selection.
Increased size of Ability Filter in The Old Mill.
Edit: We tried to solve it differently but did not work. Will be improved next time
Switched to a neutral font for the card names while they are on the table.
Protector Ability descriptions
have been adjusted since the description was not accurate.
Login Username is saved on the computer.
The username of the profile which recently had a successful login on the computer is stored for the next time.
Version Number is displayed in the main menu.
The current version of the game is now displayed in the bottom left corner in the main menu.
We added the composers' name of our main theme to the game.
After starting the game you will now see the composer's name of the main theme.
The first official patch! To many more 🍻!