DISCLAIMER: This guide represents the current opinions of the author and should not in any way be considered flawless or official.
Updated up to and including V 0.1.3.
Last updated 12 February 2022.
The Nordur are a versatile race. They have a nice amount of movement 3 (m3) and high attack movement 2 cards, and the highest amount of range 3 (r3) cards of all races. On top of that, they can also go heavy on slower, high statted warriors. This means there are multiple ways of unlocking Nordur.

The first card I'd advise to buy is Viktor. He is the second highest attack m3 card Nordur have, after the Night Prince. His speed and attack are very important when dealing with the opponent's r3 cards and setting up plays yourself.

An important strenght of the Nordur is their high amount of high attack r3 cards and the board control this gives. The starting deck starts with only two Elmars, though, so more r3 cards are needed. The second purchase is Lorik.
The Nordur starter deck has three masters: the Night Prince, Rudolf, and Volgar. Volgar and the Night Prince are both good, but Rudolf's two range is just too low to be really dangerous, so you're left with two good masters and one not so good one. This is the next thing that needs addressing. Here you have three possibilities, all of which I would consider good. Choose the one you prefer.

- You can take Martin. His high attack and defense and his Riposte ability make him a great pillar card to center your defense around. You can also give him your +1 movement equipment and go on the offensive. Something useful to know: if you give m1 cards the +2 defense/-1 movement equipment, their movement stays 1 as it can't go to 0. If you then give the same card the +1 movement equipment, he gets the extra movement without it being negated by the -1 movement equipment. This can make Martin even more annoying to deal with.

- You can take Yvar. While a 9/6/2/1 Sword Drop master is quite good, he really starts to shine if you give him the +1 movement equipment (potentially paired with the +1 attack equipment). With 3 movement, he can start hunting heroes. This can really mess up the opponent's hero game, if he doesn't have a card to take Yvar out with.

- You can take The bow of Portheim. While a 9/5/2/2 Rudolf is not that dangerous generally, a 7/5/2/3 Rudolf is very dangerous.

The basic deck is there. Now you can start looking at which warriors you want to buy. The more r3, the better, so I'd take the last two Elmars you don't yet have.
From now on, which cards you want to buy comes down to which playstyle you prefer to play.
If you want to play a fast playstyle, you can look into buying the following cards (in no particular order):

- Fyora. Good attack for a warrior and Strike and Dash is nice for playing fast (and nice in general too).

- Liv. Power Attacks bring her to 6 attack against non-warriors, which makes it easy to apply pressure and trade up.

- Maaro. Some extra m3 can't hurt.

- Ygridd. High attack (even higher with Helga's ability and with her fellowship with Erik) on a pioneer give her the possibility to trade up relatively easily, too.
For the slow playstyle, you'll want to play around your high statted warriors and pioneers a lot. Of these, you already have a few, Ador and Edgar for example; other cards of this type that you could buy (in no particular order):

- Brunhilde.

- Ulf.

- Gustav.
All of these can be good, but make sure you don't overdo on m1 cards.
You can also mix a bit depending on which cards you like most.

Mainly to the slower playstyle, Fabyor can be very helpful with his +1 attack for all cards with a base movement of 1. Helga is viable for both playstyles though, so getting Fabyor is not your first priority, but at some point you'll probably still want to try him.
This is my guide to unlocking Nordur. Hope it helps!
Just a comment on Liv, Frailga is better in any situation, she is a 4 attack and +2 against higher tier units so same attack as Liv on Tier2+ and 1 more attack vs Warriors. THe only downside is Hermticists vs Volgar as Liv is Melee class