DISCLAIMER: This guide represents the current opinions of the author and should not in any way be considered flawless or official.
Updated up to and including V 0.1.3.
Last updated 12 February 2022.
The Tagari playstyle revolves around speed. The Tagari have a lot of movement 3 (m3) cards compared to the other races and almost no movement 1, but this comes at a price: their attack and defense stats, and particularly their defense, are generally lower than those of the other races. As a result, unlocking m3 cards is very important when starting to build your Tagari collection. They're also generally important for board control and countering range 3 (r3) cards. Unfortunately the Tagari starter deck is really low on them, so they will make up the bulk of the first cards to unlock.
1. The first card I'd advise to buy is Nuka, the m3 hero. With the starter deck you're stuck with either Asaki or Tapeesa. Both can be ok, but don't synergize with the meta Tagari playstyle (lots of speed) as well as Nuka. Asaki has 6 defense and 2 range as a marksman, which is really hard to use well; you need to build your deck around him, and the starter deck can't really do that well. His fellowship and the recent addition of Strike and Dash to him, have made him more viable, though. Tapeesa's 6 attack is low for a hero. Nuka on the other hand has 10 attack and 3 movement (and gains even more attack during the game through her ability), which is great and also synergizes very well with the meta Tagari playstyle. Because the hero is an extremely important part of any deck, Nuka would be my first purchase.
2. The next card to buy is Mojag, a m3 pioneer. You just need m3 cards in order to be able to really take advantage of the Tagari strenghts.
3. Range 3 cards are very important for board control and keeping strong m2 cards away. Now that you have a decent amount of m3, it's time to buy some more of those. The third card to buy is Lapu, the r3 pioneer.
4. At this point your deck can consist of pretty much only cards I'd consider viable for a competitive deck, so the exact order of buying the next cards is not that fixed and you can change things around according to personal preference. As fourth card, I'd take Kapu, the 5/8/2/1 master. Having a pillar card with high defense and anti marksmen makes it harder for the opponent to take the initiative and Tagari don't have a lot of other cards that can fulfil this role.
5. After this, it's time to max out on some important warriors: your third Viho, the m3 warrior, and your third Litaha, the r3 warrior.
6. You can make a solid deck now. From now on, you can fill out your collection based on personal preference. Kihina (6/3/2/1 pioneer) and Ekano (4/2/2/1 warrior) are cards you can look into as the next purchases at this point.
This is my guide to unlocking Tagari. I hope it helps, and good luck with your games!
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First official Beta guid :) Sounds great to me and has valid points. I think it would be great if you could add a few screenshots to the post, because I think it's easier to find the cards you are talking about based on their artworks instead of their names. Also people can see all of their values too.