Hey everyone! I hope you guys are doing great. As i did with the Naphas and Arachnids already, I created a Tagari Deck Guide. I only used cards that are in the Starter Deck so a beginner can use this deck right away.
Here is the DECKLIST: Tapeesa Sillas Natala - Panu Anoki Chasawi - Kaliik Sanu Chasori, Kele Sanu Natawi, Micco Anoki Chasori - Atieno Sanu Chasori, Hinto Sanu Natawi, Karuk Sanu Chasori, Maun Gatua Novani Chasoke, Meenomi Lumin Natoke, Mingan Anoki Chasori, Naira Sanu Natala - Eeb Anoki Chasori, Eeb Anoki Chasori, Litaha Sanu Natori, Litaha Sanu Natori, Maska Novani Chasori, Maska Novani Chasori, Maska Novani Chasori, Sapata Sanu Chasoke, Sapata Sanu Chasoke, Vicket Sanu, Viho Sanu Chasala, Viho Sanu Chasala, Waban Sanu Chasawi, Waban Sanu Chasawi, Waban Sanu Chasawi - Bloodstone Amulet, Cosmic Whetstone, Wuru Skull Gloves
The deck is built around our hero Tapeesa and as the name of the deck tells you already, we are trying to control the game. What I mean with controlling the game is that we try to control the pace of the game, the trades and also the battlefield. The playstyle with this deck can vary but I would recommend to try to play a little bit more aggressiv. Aggressiv but in a controlled manner.
The strategy, the deck composition and the reason behind every single card is explained in the video below. If you like it please consider to like the video and subscribe to the channel - that will help us to reach more people. Thank you!
Starting 5 Selection:
For this deck I only recommend one Starting 5 that can be used against every matchup. This makes it also easier for you to practice with that deck.
Kallik - Kele - Mingan - Litaha - Litaha

This S5 contains everything we need to take control. Good damage, movement and range. Defense is brought by our hero. We want to use the Raider-Abilities of Kallik and Mingan right from the start. Kele gives us control with her high movement, because she can always be used for a good trade. Litaha gives us good control with her 3 range and can be moved behind Tapeesa so we cant get attacked with range attacks.
Thats it for that guide. If you have any questions let me know in the comment section below.