Hey there! My name's Soda and at this point I want to share my favourite deck with you, the one I've been nurturing since early alpha.
This deck is a bit controversial and requires exceptional amount of practice to be piloted to it's full potential. Even I make big misplays sometimes, that lead me to an instant loss, so with this warning let's jump into the guide.
This deck is the most mobile deck in GoL currently, your goal is to either:
win super quickly by outtrading your opponent from the first turn, rushing in with all the 3 movement units you start with, taking out the key targets of your opponent and creating a huge snowball effect that eventually will win you the game.
Position your units in the first few turns and overwhelm one side of your opponent and create the snowball that way (more on this later).
Create a stalemate and trade down your opponent morale by morale until you can win with one last charge.
The Deck:
First I'm going to break down your key cards, then we can get into the supporting package, but this deck has a very staple core and you're hardly ever going to change that.
As the deck's name suggests your most important card is this single fella:

Viho: These 3 lads are always the backbone of your army, they run fast they hit hard. These guys can take out not carefully placed cards, key units that otherwise would slow the pace of the game down. You should be very careful with them tho, once you commit them it's going to be hard to keep them alive so choose the trade very carefully, don't just waste them on a few warriors or a weaker pioneer. P.S: I know about the fellowship bonus, but the other cards in that are just simply terrible to our deck

Mojag and Kele are the other key cards to our strategy. With Peewa as our guardian they pack 15 points of killing power in two highly mobile cards. These two cards are basically your hero and master hunters. They can take out almost every hero in the game that's going to be a 5 for 10 morale trade and if the circumstances are right combined with a few Vihos they can easily destroy every master in the game. The key thing is either trading them very efficently so that you start this unpreventable snowball or to attack

with them the way you wipe out a whole section of a field and your opponent can't retaliate them. But similarly to your Vihos these cards are extremly squishy as well. One small mistake and they are gone to a warrior or pioneer, so take very good care of them. I often use Mojag to instantly trade for my opponents 3 movement pioneer so my Kele has more movement space in the neutral zone. It's still a 2 for 2 morale trade and you'll still have way more mobility than your opponent even with Mojag gone. Taking the Viktor or Thera or Lasthos(even tho you have to throw in a Viho as well into that trade).

Your last key card is your hero Nuka, the hardest hitting and most durable of these bunch and you have to use her so. She's the tank of your army. She can take 1 hit from almost anything (except a hero) so you gotta push her into the neutral zone early to estabilish control and build threat and once trading, you have to be careful so she won't get jumped by two pioneers. As long as you are able to trade the way that leaves only 1 available target that can attack Nuka you're good to go. All the other cards above are expendable, but if you have an uncontested Nuka, on the side of your opponent you're going to win 100%.
P.S: If your opponent has Alnarasz as hero just insta-trade it with whatever you can even with Nuka! Otherwise you'll lose 100% as well.
So with the core of the deck explained in details let's head into a few tips and tricks before I show off the whole deck. I wanna explain the purpose of a few cards.

First of all because of our guardian Peewa all ranged units have +1 attack that brings us up to break the odd threshold for +1 melee attack on most of our cards.
Lapu is just a great card, good with zone control, and there are a few nieches where you consider him in your starting five instead of a Viho! But Lapu can also help you hold down one side of the board while your heavy hitters are on the other side
You're hardly ever going to use Bira for ranged attack (same with Maza).

She is just a 4 attack 3 movement pioneer. This is just overall good for
our deck and can clutch the lategame. Often times if you can't manage to get an early win you'll find yourself in a stalemate and 3 movement cards can solve that easily. Bira is just an extra one that got viable with the latest Peewa rework.
Latika isn't particularly a strong unit

but her use comes in with the equipments. Since she does not have troop value she can be equiped with
Wuru Skull Gloves and White Oak Acorns
leaving her with 5 attack and 3 movement. So if you draw Latika immediately equip her with these two equipments if you still have them left in your deck.
The rest of the deck are all around good units, or high movement ones to help you stay mobile throught the whole game, because eventually you have to lose those Vihos.
There are the isolated slayer package as well which I find amazing with high movement attackers since you can kill everything near your target and get there super quick with 3 movement.
Also I include the overall best-considered Tagari warriors and pioneers into the leftover card slots.
So here's the actual decklist: :
Hero: Nuka Sanu Natawi
Guardian: Peewa Sanu Natawi
Masters: Kaliik Sanu Chasori, Kele Sanu Natawi, Wapok Sanu Chasori
Pioneers: Atieno Sanu Chasori, Bira Sanu Natala, Hinto Sanu Natawi, Kihina Sanu Natori, Lapu Sanu Chasawi, Maka Novani Natori, Mojag Sanu Chasori
Warriors: Ekano Novani Chasoke, Latika Sanu Natawi, Litaha Sanu Natori x2, Maza Sanu Chasala x3, Pillan Sanu Chasala, Sapata Sanu Chasoke x2, Viho Sanu Chasala x3, Waban Sanu Chasawi x2
Equipment: Dados Armor, White Oak Acorns, Wuru Skull Gloves
The Starting Five: Your start hardly ever going to change it's the core described earlier.

If I go first I usually setup like this:

It's very easy to reach everything with the Vihos (usually I unstack them on the attack) and Kele and Mojag can strike in the center together even tho being far apart. Also on your left side you have 18 and on your right 16 attack power total. That is enough to deal with every hero on turn 1.
Going second I deploy similarly:

With this it's impossible to lose key units on the first turns and you can get right into position. Also your newly drawn units are going to have a guaranteed space in the bordering the neutral zone.
Note that you can always switch up which side your Nuka starts on and do a little switcheroo but my brain got used to these setups, so I run these most of the time.
The Strategy: (this section is going to be updated with either a video guide or detailed screenshots)
First of all if you can just rush in and get a "first turn win" just do it. Usually with this deck the rule of thumb is to take your sweet time in the first two or three turns and then when the action unfolds your time will get back since those turns are easier to execute than planning out safe zones to advance.
If you can't get a "first turn win" try to advance your Nuka into the neutral zone but be careful you shouldn't lose any of your units until you decide to attack!
There are as mentioned before two avenues of attack:
Overwhelm them with a powerful impact (like a charge in real warfare) and then wear them down with reinforcements and the explained snowball effect.
Try to overwhelm just one side of the board while keeping a presence luring your opponent to the other. Since you are mostly 3 movement it's best to choose the side where the enemy hero is not present! You can outmanouver him because most heroes are slower than you (expect for that pesky Alnarasz which I hate deeply)! Use that to your advantage. Then do the same "charge" onto his battle line and start the snowball.
It's always good if your Nuka can find a safe place in the neutral zone because then she can reach a unit in the backline of the enemy. You're other 3 movers can sweep the front and Nuka can execute a key target in the back.
If you are stuck in a stalemate just try to position your units the best as you can. Your most important thing to keep in mind is to instantly trade the 3 movement threats on your opponent side. You can't let your opponent threaten your first line, and you can replace the 3 movement mobility much easier than him. Usually a traditional deck runs around 3-5 three movement card. You run well over 10 you can afford to do this.
Once you reached this position you're opponent won't be able to advance safely and you are going to try and trade with him morale by morale. Mainly trade your non-3-movement cards so you can get him low to the point where you can just sweep in with the 3 movers in your front line and finish the game in a single turn. Usually you can snag around 5-8 morale in one lategame sweep if your opponent carefully guards his hero.
This is the end of this current deck guide, I'm going to keep this constantly updated and hopefully make a new one in replacement of this in case huge changes are hitting the Tagari!
Leave your opinions and comments down below, and ask me about something if not clear, you can pm me on discord as well, don't be shy.
And don't forget to stay hydrated, Soda.
What is a "first turn win"? How can we win in the first turn? Can we do 25 morale damage in the first turn? How?
BTW, very good guide. More pictures or videos will help as I don't know the name of 99% of the units :P Thanks!
How do you handle against the -1 attack on 3 movement units guardian ?