After some trials since last patch, I can propose a Nordur deck quite viable. The main strategy of the deck is to optimize the strength of Nordur Faction : pushing with frontline with the 3 Range units to cover. The deck try to have enough flexibility in term of range and movement while optimizing Fabyor to have a variety of options to answer to the different situations.
Hero : Erik Ironstrong
Guardian : Fabyor Allmann
Masters : Martin Pinzerstone, Night Prince, Yvar Broadaxe
Pioneers : Cyrill Whitehorn, Fred The Gregarious One, Jesper Jorgath, Jochen Bock, Lorik Bormbart, Viktor Traudor, Ygridd Icestorm
Warriors : Aegir Bormbart, Elmar Wolkrenn, Elmar Wolkrenn, Elmar Wolkrenn, Elmar Wolkrenn, Frallga The Sea Woman, Fyora Flithor, Gantur Laubrock, Gantur Laubrock, Gantur Laubrock, Jonaas Munzer, Liv Brandor, Paul Knopfer, Ulf Bormbart, Ulf Bormbart
Items : The Bow of Portheim, The Grey Bear Armor, The shoes of the Shieldbrothers
Key units :

Erik is the strongest Nordur hero by far. 11 HP makes him above attack of many things foring your opponent to commit a lot of units to get rid of him. 12 Attack with Fellowship is enough to 1shot almost anything valuable for the enemy and Cleave can open up many situations by providing solution to kill more than 1 unit with him.

Fabyor role in the deck is to provide extra power to other key units of the deck while being himself tanky enough to not fear a quick attack from the enemy

Martin is the hidden carry of the deck. Fabyor brings him to 8 attack which with the counterstrike ability makes him a deadly threat to enemy. 90% of the time, you will equip The Grey Bear Armor and The shoes of the Shieldbrothers to bring him to 12HP and 2 Movement. Just be careful with his positioning to avoid being shot by ranged enemies

Night is a must have in any Nordur deck. Is main role is to go snipe a enemy 3 Range or 3 Move master which could threaten your advance or to go pick up some isolated units.

In the deck Fred will be the guy holding The Bow of Portheim to field another 3Range unit being able to support your advance from safe distance

Your main 3 Range support unit. 8 Attack with Fabyor makes him able to threaten masters and will force the opponent to abandon large parts of the field
Why no Ador or Knut?
Those 2 units will be be buffed by Fabyor but the 1 Move will greatly reduce the overall mobility of the deck as the Boots item will be used on other units for better effectiveness. Also Knut is still a 4HP pioneer, vulnerable to a lot of range units
Variants :
Yvar + Jesper : In this version I use Yvar + Jesper to have another 3 Move unit which can be helpful mainly against Tagaris.
Thea + Janis/Bjern : Yvar and Jesper can be changed by Thea + Janis/Bjern, Thea can get more attack than Yvar and especially can reach 11 attack being able to kill a lot of enemy heroes.
The use of Boots
I said Boots will be used 90% of the time on Martin because it brings him the mobility needed to not be ignored but if the siuation is needed, Boots can be used on Yvar/Thea to have a heavy hitter 3 Move that can close game in your favor.
Starting Five and Deployment :
There is too many possibilities of starting 5 and Deployment depending of the enemy to list them all but the most common i use is the following one :

As explained, the main strategy is to push forward to put your 3 Range units in a position which they can freely attack the opponent deploy area.
To reach this goal, the best possible moves are to move Jochen and Lorik as shown. Jochen is Lorik bodyguard. 6 attack with Fabyor + Fellowships can contest a lot of things coming for Lorik and the Bequest can also provide +1HP to adjacent units which can totally wreck an enemy attack.
Viktor is in a position to go kill anything that could theaten the advance of Lorik.
In the screenshot, this wasn t possible so it was better to not move Lorik and advance Jochen so he could increase the board control.
Gantur, Cyrill and Erik are used as reserve units. They have to move in positions that can either help the advance of Lorik or go defend the otherside if the opponent deployed most troops in your left flank.
Things to consider in the starting five
Having a 3 Move (Prince or Viktor), Lorik and Jochen in your starting five is pretty mandatory to be able to start your push if possible but the 2 other slots can be adapted depending of the opponent.
Against Naphas : Naphas have a great possibility to start with either tanky units or strong warriors such as Jiro so you can consider change Cyril by Ygridd for the extra damages or a Fyora/another Gantur which could kill Jiros or Nisash if they advance
Against Tagaris : Tagaris will probably start with 3 Move/Low HP units such has Vihos/Kele or Mojag, you don t need to bring some heavy attack guys. It is a possibility to come with additionnal warriors like Gantur/Fyora which can force the opponent to send his 3 Move to kill them which will reduce the future threats on your 3 Range units.
If you start second, you have to be a bit more careful in your position, Viktor and Lorik have 3 and 4 HP, meaning that Jathazi Naphas can kill Viktor or a pair of Vihos can be them so you can consider deploying them in the backline until you see what safe position then can get.
During the game
Game can evolve in an infinite possibilities but you have to keep in mind that your main goal is to try to continu pushing the side. If things go well, the opponent will try to attack on the other side so be wary to defend the other side.
Also, you need to avoid go in an all out attack unless it is clear the opponent cannot respond. No need to rush things because when your 3 Range are in position with a frontline, the opponent will have to give up half is deployment zone or giving you free targets to kill.